Wednesday, August 31, 2011

pregnancy stuff :o)

Now that I'm out to the blogging world, I have to talk about it!

I'm happy to say that as of now, I haven't thrown up once, although that is not to say that I haven't felt queasy most of the time. I was freaking out at first because I had no morning sickness, then my mom told me she didn't with me or my brother either, which made me feel better.

My weird issues:
The dishwasher.

Pure evil. The smell of this haunts me, especially when it's clean or in mid-cycle. I didn't realize this was my personal issue until my dad came over and I appologized for how bad my house smells. I told him our dishwasher must be broken and he said he didn't smell anything. I thought he was being nice until I smelled their dishwasher and it was just as disgusting. Sometimes I feel like the whole house smells like it and let me tell you, it is absolutely the grossest smell ever.

Raw meat.

Almost as gross as the dishwasher. Honestly, I can't really eat meat that is cooked either. I've had a little bit of chicken in the last few weeks, but that's it. Yuck!

I guess that's it. I thought there was more but I guess those 2 things take over my life right now. My head feels awful thinking about both of them!

I'm proud to say that I've only gained 2 pounds so far and I'm 10 weeks. I am actually still in my zone of normal weight, but at the top of it. I don't want to gain more than 1 more pound before 12 weeks. If I do, oh well, but that's my goal. Everyone keeps saying "I bet you'll only carry in your belly," and I totally feel pressure about it! It stresses me out!

Fun pregnancy story:

My sister in law, Rachel, sent me a text today that she had a dream I had a baby boy named Liam. In her dream he was crying and in real life, her baby girl was crying. LOL

The weird part of this is that when she was in her early pregnancy, I had a dream she had a baby girl named Georgia. Weird that we both had names for the baby in our dreams. Hers ended up being a girl for real, so maybe we'll end up with a boy!

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