Friday, June 24, 2011


I just love reading other people's blogs. Sometimes looking at someone else's perspective on life really helps sort out your own. Today, when reading someone's   blog she wrote, "Life doesn't suck, life is a blessing." For some reason, it really struck me as so simple and so true. I didn't really realize I needed to hear those words until I read them.

I've recently been handed a lemon that I'm not ready, or maybe just not willing, to talk about. Not only was it a lemon, sour and bitter in itself, but it wasn't even ripe enough to make lemonade out of...non-the-less to put into vodka.

So rather than making lemonade this time, I've found a blessing in this lemon. Some lemons are not meant to become lemonade. Some lemons are just there to remind you that someday you can have lemonade.

Home made Lemonade Recipe Home made Lemonade Recipe

And I will... when life hands me a good lemon.


  1. Keep that beautiful attitude and you will have that lemon sooner than you think! :)
