Thursday, June 2, 2011

So much excitement

My lovely sister-in-law and brother are having baby number 2 tomorrow. I'm really excited to be an aunt again! They didn't find out what they're having, which makes this extra exciting. I suppose I will know tomorrow morning! I'm regretting the fact that I am working a half day, I wish I would have taken the whole day off, now!

This really makes me excited to have a baby of my own someday. <3

On another note- the countdowns are crazy. 5 school days left and 12 days until vacation. I can not wait!


  1. I am laughing at your countdowns because they are so similar to mine: 6 school days left and 16 days until vacation.

    Exciting news about your sister-in-law! My siblings are not even close to reproducing. ;)

  2. Wow, they are similar! Go us!

    They had their baby. It's a girl! :o) Her name is Stephanie. We were not expecting such a usual name from them. lol
