Monday, May 16, 2011

so sleepy

Well, as you might have figured out (and by "you," I mean the imaginary people in my mind that are reading this everyday) I am obsessed with my dog. We are sitting here snuggling on the couch while hubs is at softball once again. I was invited to watch him play, but since it's currently 43 degrees in MAY (grr) I declined. I'm also completely exhausted. I've been so sleepy since I got home from work. My eye lids feel like they are 10 pounds each. I think it will be an early night.

Something sweet...

Since it's so cold out I needed a hoodie so I got one of D's from the front closet. We found a centipede this morning and I've seen a bunch of spiders lately, so I was quite apprehensive about putting this hoddie on because I could only imagine spiders waiting to scare me from inside the sleeves. I gave D the hoodie to inspect jokingly and he put it on over his hoodie and said, "No spiders." It was so cute the way he did it. I just love him.

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