Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well I didn't expect that

I started "temping" because I'm a control freak last month. On babycenter, they kept yelling at everyone who didn't temp. I kind of do it wrong, though. You're supposed to take your temperature before even stepping foot out of bed. However, my morning routine goes as follows:

1. Alarm goes off
2. Let Soco out.
3. Take my temp. 

So to make this short story long, I will provide you with the details you might not care about, but that contribute to the story.

I got myself a cold on Sunday, and Monday, I added to that cold with a bladder infection. This made for no baby making. Plus, hubs had a softball game. So yesterday, we were planning on doing the deed since I felt so much better... But hubby came down with the flu or something. I was a little irritated and so was he. We didn't understand why we had to have such awful timing. This was prime baby making time, according to my new found temping.

So this morning, I dreadfully followed my morning pattern with a bit of irritation in my step and as I entered my information into the fancy website that figures out what all of your temps mean, it tells me my belly was ready to catch a swimmer on Sunday! This was very unexpected and I don't understand how it didn't tell me this on Monday, but it happening on Sunday was a good thing! ;-)

So anyway. I'm hoping that our timing was actually right. I guess we'll see in 9 days now when I test! I think I can, I think I can. (wait to test)

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